Install Hybris b2c accelerator step by step

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1. Overview

In Hybris, an accelerator is a bunch of a ready to use extensions that comes with pre-built eCommerce key features, e.g. (Web Content Management, Product Details, Search and Navigation, Order Management, Payment, Checkout…).

There are a variety of Hybris accelerators, each one of them targets specific needs :

  • B2c accelerator
  • B2b accelerator
  • Telco accelerator
  • China accelerator
  • Travel accelerator

This is a simplified overview of the Hybris b2c architecture.

Accelerator architecture overview in Hybris

  • ystorefront: it’s the web tier layer of the accelerator, it is implemented using Spring MVC and Spring Security.
  • ycore: it is the business and data access layer of the accelerator,  it is often referred to as ServiceLayer.
  • yfacades: it is an abstraction and aggregation layer of the business layer, used to convert the data model objects to DTOs.
  • yfulfilmentprocess: contains the implementation of the business processes, e.g. Order process, Consignment process, Refund process…
  • ycockpits: used to customize the cockpits (product cockpit, cms cockpit…).
  • ytest: for integration test.

This article is a step by step guide on how to install a custom Hybris b2c accelerator.

2. Install b2c accelerator

2.1. Preparation

Download the Hybris Commerce Suite 6.x, for this example I will use the version 6.4.

Unzip the Hybris Commerce Suite package inside a directory, e.g. /Users/mouadelfakir/Desktop/hybris or C:/hybris.

The directory path to the hybris folder should not contain any whitespaces.

Unzip accelerator in hybris

Let’s agree on some terms before we go on :

  • <HYBRIS_HOME>: it’s is the root directory of Hybris (where you have unzipped the Hybris Commerce Suite).
  • <HYBRIS_BIN_DIR>: it’s the folder <HYBRIS_HOME>/hybris/bin.

2.2. Install sample b2c accelerator

To install the sample b2c accelerator (electronics accelerator), we will use the recipes installer.

Navigate to the <HYBRIS_HOME>/installer folder and run the following command.

$ ./ -r b2c_acc


Total time: 2 seconds

2.3. Generate custom extensions

Navigate to the <HYBRIS_HOME>/hybris/bin/platform folder and set the Ant in the environment variables using the following command.

$ . ./

Then run ant modulegen with your specific inputs, to generate the custom b2c accelerator extensions.

$ ant modulegen -Dinput.module=accelerator -Dinput.template=develop 


Total time: 23 seconds
  • input.module=<module to generate>
  •<name of your project>
  • input.package=<your java package>
  • input.template=<generation mode>

2.4. Terminal output

     [echo] 	Next steps:
     [echo] 1) Add your extension to your /Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/config/localextensions.xml
     [echo] <extension dir="/Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/bin/custom/training/trainingfulfilmentprocess"/>
     [echo] <extension dir="/Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/bin/custom/training/trainingcockpits"/>
     [echo] <extension dir="/Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/bin/custom/training/trainingcore"/>
     [echo] <extension dir="/Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/bin/custom/training/trainingfacades"/>
     [echo] <extension dir="/Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/bin/custom/training/trainingtest"/>
     [echo] <extension dir="/Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/bin/custom/training/traininginitialdata"/>
     [echo] <extension dir="/Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/bin/custom/training/trainingstorefront"/>
     [echo] 2) Remove the following extensions from your /Users/mohamed/project/run/trainning/hybris-commerce-suite-6/hybris/config/localextensions.xml
     [echo] 		yacceleratorfulfilmentprocess,yacceleratorcockpits,yacceleratorcore,yacceleratorfacades,yacceleratortest,yacceleratorinitialdata,yacceleratorstorefront
     [echo] 3) Make sure the applicationserver is stopped before you build the extension the first time.
     [echo] 4) Perform 'ant' in your hybris/platform directory.
     [echo] 5) Restart the applicationserver

2.5. Config the localextensions.xml

Open the <HYBRIS_HOME>/hybris/config/localextensions.xml file using a text editor.

1 – Add the generated extensions to the localextensions.xml file.

<!-- custom extensions -->
<extension name="trainingfulfilmentprocess"/>
<extension name="trainingcockpits"/>
<extension name="trainingcore"/>
<extension name="trainingfacades"/>
<extension name="trainingtest"/>
<extension name="traininginitialdata"/>
<extension name="trainingstorefront"/>

2 – And delete the following extensions from localextensions.xml file.

<extension name="yacceleratorfulfilmentprocess"/> 
<extension name="yacceleratorcockpits"/> 
<extension name="yacceleratorcore"/>
<extension name="yacceleratorfacades"/>
<extension name="yacceleratortest"/>
<extension name="yacceleratorinitialdata"/>
<extension name="yacceleratorstorefront"/>

3 – Run ant on platform directory

$ cd hybris/bin/platform

$ ant

2.6. Install add-ons (Optional)

Install the following basic add-ons extensions to take advantage of all the features of the accelerator.

$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="liveeditaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="commerceorgsamplesaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="promotionenginesamplesaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="smarteditaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="textfieldconfiguratortemplateaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="assistedservicestorefront" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="assistedservicepromotionaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="customerticketingaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="orderselfserviceaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"
$ ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="adaptivesearchsamplesaddon" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="trainingstorefront"

Might one or more of these extensions are deprecated so don’t worry about it just keep going.

2.7. Configure URLs mapping

Open the <HYBRIS_HOME>/hybris/config/ file using a text editor, and the following key properties.



2.8. Config host file

Add the following line in your host file, e.g. /etc/hosts. localhost electronics.local

2.9. Initialize Hybris

Run Ant initialize to initialize the databases with data, start syntonization of catalogs and execute indexation…

$ ant initialize

Total time: 21 minutes 1 second

2.10. Start Hybris server

Start the Hybris server using the following command.

$ ./ debug


INFO: Server startup in 364642 ms

If everything goes well you should be able to access to : http://electronics.local:9001/trainingstorefront

Electronics accelerator storefront in Hybris


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Anna Nikonova
Anna Nikonova
6 years ago

Perfect! Thanks for such a detailed guide!

Ojus Kapoor
Ojus Kapoor
6 years ago

Can we install and run hybris on MacBook Air with 4GB RAM and i5 (late 2013 model).
I know it requires 8GB RAM for windows PC but not sure about MacOS.

Thanks very much for your reply.

5 years ago

Post is updated, tutorial works fine with hybris

Reply to  Mohamed BELMAHI
4 years ago

if i install B2B accelerator, Then all i need run the ADD-on as mention in setup above

5 years ago

Very useful! Can we have multiple accelerators installed on a single Hybris system? Just curious,

5 years ago

I had to additionally execute “ant npminstall” to make SmartEdit work

4 years ago

thank you so much this worked……………
many thanks

4 years ago

Hello ,

Nice , Could you please make document on payment and promotion in hybris .

Thanks in Advance 🙂

3 years ago

Do we have B2b Teclo accelerator ?

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