Everything about Hot Folder in Hybris

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1. Overview

The hot folder is one of the best ways to import and feed data into Hybris, it is based on Spring integration framework.

Some reasons to use hot folder :

  • Easy to configure and to extend.
  • Use the power of Spring integration.
  • It’s very fast than the regular impex import (uses multi-threading imports).

Basically the main idea behind hot folders is to transform csv files giving in input to impexes using a pre-configured ImpexConverters and import them using ImportService (see diagram bellow).

Simplified overview about hot folder in Hybris

This is a more complete version of how the hot folder works.

Overview of the hot folder in Hybris


Let’s explain this diagram step by step 🙂

  • Inbound Channel Adapter : is a Spring integration component that allows us to create a watcher over csv files on a specific directory.
  • File Order Comparator : the Inbound Channel Adapter uses a file order comparator to treat files by order of priority, this comparator compares files based on their file names.
  • Header Setup Task : in this step of the flow a BatchHeader is created/initialized with the file, catalog, and some other information, this BatchHeader will be used throughout the flow as a reference for file and some other information.
  • Header Init Task : this is just another initialization step, in this step we extract the sequenceId and the language then we add them to the BatchHeader for later use.
    For example for this file name product-fr-2313213672186.csv the sequenceId is 2313213672186 and the language is fr.
  • Impex Transformer Task : this is one of the important steps in the flow, basically here where the original file (csv) is converted to an impex with the help of a pre-configured ImpexConverter.
  • Impex Runner Task : imports the transformed file (impex) using ImportService.importData() method.
  • Cleanup Task : deletes the transformed file (impex) and archive the original file (csv).

The majority of the components that constitute the hot folder flow can be found at : …\hybris\bin\ext-accelerator\acceleratorservices\resources\acceleratorservices\integration\hot-folder-spring.xml

2. Implementation

Fortunately, the accelerator comes armed with an initial and complete configuration of the hot folder.

The ImpexConverters for prices, products, medias, stocks, customers…, are already there and good to go.

However in this article, we will try to extend the hot folder functionalities to be able to import an other item type UnitModel.

You need three macro steps to configure the hot folder :

  • Define a base directory where the csv files will be put.
  • Initiate your flow with the catalog and base directory
  • Create an ImpexConverter and associated with a MappingConverter.

2.1. Preparation

1. Create an xml file hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml inside the …\hybris\bin\custom\training\trainingcore\resources\trainingcore\integration

<!-- ...\hybris\bin\custom\training\trainingcore\resources\trainingcore\integration\hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"



2. Import the hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml file to the trainingcore-spring.xml.

<!-- ...\hybris\bin\custom\training\trainingcore\resources\trainingcore-spring.xml -->

<!-- Spring Integration -->
<import resource="classpath:/trainingcore/integration/hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml"/>
<import resource="classpath:/trainingcore/integration/hot-folder-store-electronics-spring.xml"/>
<import resource="classpath:/trainingcore/integration/hot-folder-store-apparel-spring.xml"/>
<import resource="classpath:/trainingcore/integration/hot-folder-common-spring.xml"/>

2.2. Initial Config

1. Inside the hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml add a base directory and an inbound-channel-adapter to watch over the base directory.

<!-- ...\hybris\bin\custom\training\trainingcore\resources\trainingcore\integration\hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns... >


	<!-- Config a base directory -->
	<bean id="baseDirectoryTraining" class="java.lang.String">
		<constructor-arg value="#{baseDirectory}/${tenantId}/training" />

	<!-- Scan for files inside the base directory with names matches the pattern ^(.*)-(\d+)\.csv -->
	<file:inbound-channel-adapter id="batchFilesTraining" directory="#{baseDirectoryTraining}"
		<!--  Periodic trigger in milliseconds -->
		<int:poller fixed-rate="1000" />

The #{baseDirectory} by default is ${HYBRIS_DATA_DIR}/acceleratorservices/import, you can re-define it with the property : acceleratorservices.batch.impex.basefolder

2. Add an outbound-gateway to move the received file to processing and invoke the first step of the flow.

<!-- ...\hybris\bin\custom\training\trainingcore\resources\trainingcore\integration\hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns... >

	<!-- Move the file to processing and start the flow -->
	<file:outbound-gateway request-channel="batchFilesTraining" reply-channel="batchFilesTrainingProc"
						   delete-source-files="true" />


3. Create a service-activator which is the first step of the flow, it feeds the flow with the catalog and other relevant information.

<!-- ...\hybris\bin\custom\training\trainingcore\resources\trainingcore\integration\hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns... >

	<!-- Initialize the batch header with relevant information -->
	<int:service-activator input-channel="batchFilesTrainingProc" output-channel="batchFilesHeaderInit"
						   method="execute" />

	<bean id="trainingHeaderSetupTask" class="de.hybris.platform.acceleratorservices.dataimport.batch.task.HeaderSetupTask">
		<property name="catalog" value="trainingProductCatalog" />
		<property name="net" value="false" />
		<property name="storeBaseDirectory" ref="baseDirectoryTraining" />

2.3. Create ImpexConverter and ConverterMapping

1. Create an ImpexConvert for the UnitModel.

The ImpexConverter has two properties a header and an impexRow :

  • header : will be the header of the generated impex.
  • impexRow : defines the mapping between the column of the csv file and the impex file.

Inside the hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml, create a Spring bean from DefaultImpexConverter, with :

  • header : INSERT_UPDATE Unit ;unitType[unique=true] ;code[unique=true] ;name[lang=$lang] ;conversion
  • impexRow;{+0}  ;{+1}  ;{2}  ;{3}
<!-- ...\hybris\bin\custom\training\trainingcore\resources\trainingcore\integration\hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns... >

	<!-- UnitModel impex converter -->
	<bean id="unitConverter" class="de.hybris.platform.acceleratorservices.dataimport.batch.converter.impl.DefaultImpexConverter">
		<property name="header">
				INSERT_UPDATE Unit;unitType[unique=true];code[unique=true];name[lang=$lang];conversion
		<property name="impexRow">

This means that :

  • {+0} means that column 0 will be mapped to unitType[unique=true]
  • {+1} means that column 1 will be mapped to code[unique=true]
  • {2} means that column 2 will be mapped to name[lang=$lang]
  • {3} means that column 3 will be mapped to conversion

2. Map the unitConverter to a file name prefix using DefaultConverterMapping.

<!-- ...\hybris\bin\custom\training\trainingcore\resources\trainingcore\integration\hot-folder-store-training-spring.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns... >

	<!-- UnitModel impex converter mapping to unit prefix -->
	<bean id="unitConverterMapping"

This means that all the csv files start with unit will be treated using the unitConverter, example unit-fr-1234567.csv.

3. Run an ant all command then restart the server and you are good to go.

3. Hot Folder in Action

To test what you have accomplished so far, put a csv file that respect the impexRow format and the p:mapping="unit" inside the : ${HYBRIS_DATA_DIR}\acceleratorservices\import\master\training

Example : unit-en-123456789.csv

toto,	toto,	toto,	1

If everything goes well a Unit instance with code toto and name toto should be created.

Find a complete example on GitHub.


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6 years ago

Great post easy to understand.
A question please what does the + means for {+0} ?

6 years ago

Is there any way to hardcode values while configuring hotfolder?

Reply to  Anto
4 years ago

I think you could achieve that by modifying the header of Impex. e.g setting the language of the session for all CronJobs to english (I add default=en so if row do not specify a language for session it will have en by default)

INSERT_UPDATE CronJob ; code[unique=true]; job(code);sessionLanguage(isoCode)[default=en]

6 years ago

I want to send an email with error message if anything wrong while running hot folder (import error). can you please help me.

Reply to  Mouad EL Fakir
6 years ago

Do we have mechanism to rollback all record if any point we face error during hot-folder import.

ihyaten rachid
ihyaten rachid
Reply to  Nitesh
5 years ago

no impex is not transactionnal, all lines rejected are stored in a log file you can correct them and re-import

Reply to  Mouad EL Fakir
4 years ago

What do you mean override ErrorHandler?

Reply to  shiva
4 years ago

hi shiva did u implement this email with error message while running hot folder import errorr

6 years ago

Easy to understand.
but, where does these values comes from #{defaultImpexProductHeader}.

Reply to  Mouad EL Fakir
6 years ago

May I know how would it resolve value to a particular catalog like catalog = powertoolsProductCatalog?

Reply to  Kiran
6 years ago

I think I got my answer. It is in service activator part.

6 years ago

Hi Bro,
The content and the way of explanation is very good. But the text color is too light and a bit hard to read. Thanks for clear explanation.

6 years ago

Good post, can you also please let us know how to have bean configuration in xml config file so that service activator can call the particular bean and in the class i could have the file read and manipulate it.

6 years ago

Can we do the deletion operation using hot folder like “Delete from {table_name}”

Maaz Ahmed
Maaz Ahmed
6 years ago

Hi! Can you please provide some information about how to pass « & » with the impex.

INSERT_UPDATE PointOfService;name[unique=true];type(code);address(&addrID);latitude;
I am getting this error  » The reference to entity « addrID » must end with the ‘;’ delimiter »

Maaz Ahmed
Maaz Ahmed
Reply to  Maaz Ahmed
6 years ago

Actually I want to add it through hot-folder in a csv file.

6 years ago

Hi Mouad thanks for the informarion I have a question.How to create the “trainingcore” directory and its internal directories?

6 years ago

The character ç at the end of the filename unit-en-12345678ç.csv is INCORRECT. It cause file isn’t loaded.

Suresh S
Suresh S
6 years ago

Please make a video on this session, starting from feeding CSV file as input To storing it to DB.
This will help us so much for understanding,

6 years ago

Hi Fakir, nice post for easy understanding.
Please post a detail configuration setup on V2 Hot-Folder (Cloud) from Hybris system to Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.

6 years ago

Hi Mouad,

I have implemented Hot Folder Functionality seeing your example. In Our case we have ; as delimeter for csv file and it works fine if all coulmns have singular value.

I am facing issue for columns who are of list or collection types. I tried like ex. “A,B,C” for same but it also takes , as seperator,

Any suggestion would be helpful.

Reply to  Mehul
4 years ago

You have to use this syntax on header -> CollectionAttribute[separator = :]
And mak a value like A:B:C separated with : instead of , since it’s used for your csv

Sachi Nayak
Sachi Nayak
5 years ago

A very basic and excellent blog of explanation which can help alot to a biginner.

Nupur Gupta
Nupur Gupta
5 years ago


How can we convert json data getting from restful api to csv files to implement hot batch folder concept

Reply to  Nupur Gupta
4 years ago

You can use a job that call the api and get data then convert it to a csv file (there’s many lib to do that) then send the result file to hotfolder.

Reply to  Mohamed BELMAHI
4 years ago

I’m getting below error in error folder
Missing value for 1: kw1;kws1;;

I/P file contain

Thanks in advance

Reply to  Vishal
4 years ago

Could you provide the configuration for this particular import ?

Reply to  Mohamed BELMAHI
4 years ago

I have use ; in CSV as a Field separator
But default is , comma

Resolved my issue now.


Reply to  Vishal
4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback!

5 years ago

Hi @Mouad EL Fakir, Very well explained ! I don’t have any questions regarding this owesome guide but I just want to know what methodology you used to get a great grip on hybris ? do you have any tutorials or any content which can help others to put their efferots on the right track to get expertise as you have ?

4 years ago

Great article! thanks.

4 years ago

Nice article!
Can you also please let us know how we can access S3 bucket folder via this
Config a base directory code :
bean id=”baseDirectoryTraining” class=”java.lang.String”
constructor-arg value=”#{baseDirectory}/${tenantId}/training”

Reply to  Rohan
4 years ago

The simple way is to use a custom job that connect to S3 bucket and get files then put them inside

Otherwise you have to change a lot of things inside spring integration configuration which is not recommended due to performance issues that you will get during read/write on S3 Bucket.

Sven de Bie
Sven de Bie
4 years ago

Great post! One additional question, is there a way to use the hot folders to import predefined impexes? So just copy final impexes into the hotfolder and let the hotfolder import it automatically after each other?

Sven de Bie
Sven de Bie
Reply to  Mouad EL Fakir
4 years ago

Thank you for your extensive reply. Also on behalf of Abdelilah I just heard 😉

4 years ago

Hi i need to get the count of the number of files getting processed in the hot folder implementation..Please help…

4 years ago

Very good post with clear explanation.

4 years ago

HI Mouad ,Is there any way we can change the poll time for certain hotfolder process say ex. orderstatus transaction poll.to 1 min poll interval
So is it possible to apply for certain process.not overall.as I see OOTB 1 sec polling is there
please specify how we can achieve the same .

4 years ago

I want to upload Order and Order Entry from same file.. How to achieve this type of implementation.
Basically single csv file with multiple header
Vishal Patil

4 years ago

Hi Moud. I have question, suppose we want the polling time to change for a particular set of feed file say, order related,
So is it possible to customize. and what changes required for this.

karan singh
karan singh
4 years ago

Hi Mouad EL Fakir,

Could you help me with Media csv file , below is usecase

INSERT_UPDATE Media;mediaFormat(qualifier);code[unique=true] ;@media[translator=de.hybris.platform.impex.jalo.media.MediaDataTranslator][forceWrite=true];realfilename;mime[default=’image/jpeg’];$catalogVersion;folder(qualifier)[default=images]

;300Wx300H ;/300Wx300H/Image3.jpg ;$siteResource/300Wx300H/Image3.jpg ;Image3.jpg ; ; ;

And following is the error i’m getting:-
Missing value for 1: ;300Wx300H ;/300Wx300H/Image3.jpg ;$siteResource/300Wx300H/Image3.jpg ;Image3.jpg ; ; ;

4 years ago

Which all file formats used in cloud hot folder?

4 years ago

You are MAN thank you very much 🙂

4 years ago

Hello Mouad EL Fakir,

All CSVs placed in the “import” folder in the hotfolder file directory are copied to the “archive” folder and remain in the “archive” folder unless they are deleted.

The error-throwing CSVs need to be added to the “error” folder, but I cannot see the CSVs that throw some error in the “error” folder. What should be done to add the CSV to the “error” folder in case CSVs get errors.

3 years ago

Hey, Great Explanation!
What if there are many files but I want commerce to pick a file that starts with some specific pattern like files that start with “ABC”.

shamili devaraj
shamili devaraj
3 years ago


Facing below issue after pasting the csv file. I followed the same steps as mentioned above.

ERROR [task-scheduler-9] [LoggingHandler] ErrorMessage [payload=org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandlingException: error occurred during processing message in ‘MethodInvokingMessageProcessor’ [org.springframework.integration.handler.MethodInvokingMessageProcessor@50169297]; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException, failedMessage=GenericMessage [payload=D:\CXCOM200500P_2-70004955\hybris\data\acceleratorservices\import\master\training\processing\unit-en-123456789.csv, headers={file_originalFile=D:\CXCOM200500P_2-70004955\hybris\data\acceleratorservices\import\master\training\unit-en-123456789.csv, id=7ac1c455-3d1d-0e53-656f-049067edfe02, file_name=unit-en-123456789.csv, file_relativePath=unit-en-123456789.csv, timestamp=1637083833508}], headers={id=bd509d8f-54c9-b18d-3992-c0d5be3dae57, timestamp=1637083833624}] for original GenericMessage [payload=D:\CXCOM200500P_2-70004955\hybris\data\acceleratorservices\import\master\training\unit-en-123456789.csv, headers={file_originalFile=D:\CXCOM200500P_2-70004955\hybris\data\acceleratorservices\import\master\training\unit-en-123456789.csv, id=9dff6ef2-86a1-55df-7a48-81653992e404, file_name=unit-en-123456789.csv, file_relativePath=unit-en-123456789.csv, timestamp=1637083833485}]

Reply to  shamili devaraj
3 years ago

Did you resolve this error
If you resolve, could you please help me

Kadir Sunman
Kadir Sunman
Reply to  Anjan
1 year ago

Did you resolve this error ?
I need it

Reply to  shamili devaraj
9 months ago

What is the fix for this?

3 years ago

I’m getting an error like this
File prefix unknown

Akshay Sharma
Akshay Sharma
3 years ago

getting this error: Missing value for 1

Could you please help me solve this

2 years ago

I am trying send mail to business with failed to load records Using Hot folder implementation.

Getting below error
ERROR [task-scheduler-5] [ErrorHandler] unexpected exception caught
org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException: Dispatcher failed to deliver Message; nested exception is org.springframework.messaging.core.DestinationResolutionException: no output-channel or replyChannel header available
    at org.springframework.integration.dispatcher.AbstractDispatcher.wrapExceptionIfNecessary(AbstractDispatcher.java:133) ~[spring-integration-core-4.3.19.RELEASE.jar:4.3.19.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.integration.dispatcher.AbstractDispatcher.tryOptimizedDispatch(AbstractDispatcher.java:120) ~[spring-integration-core-4.3.19.RELEASE.jar:4.3.19.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.integration.dispatcher.UnicastingDispatcher.doDispatch(UnicastingDispatcher.java:148) ~[spring-integration-core-4.3.19.RELEASE.jar:4.3.19.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.integration.dispatcher.UnicastingDispatcher.dispatch(UnicastingDispatcher.java:121) ~[spring-integration-core-4.3.19.RELEASE.jar:4.3.19.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.integration.channel.AbstractSubscribableChannel.doSend(AbstractSubscribableChannel.java:89) ~[spring-integration-core-4.3.19.RELEASE.jar:4.3.19.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.integration.channel.AbstractMessageChannel.send(AbstractMessageChannel.java:425) ~[spring-integration-core-4.3.19.RELEASE.jar:4.3.19.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.integration.channel.AbstractMessageChannel.send(AbstractMessageChannel.java:375) ~[spring-integration-core-4.3.19.RELEASE.jar:4.3.19.RELEASE]

Could you please help me.

2 years ago

Mouad EL Fakir

Can you please write a page for CCV2 hotfloder configuration using Azure storage explorer

Shresth Jain
Shresth Jain
2 years ago

How can we change tenant ?

Kalandi Sahoo
Kalandi Sahoo
2 years ago

Hi Team, I have followed the same configuration for my project requirement. But records are not importing to Database and I am not getting any error at the time of server start up. Please find the below configuration for better understanding. Please suggest me, If a I did any wrong configuration. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <beans xmlns=”http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans”   xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”   xmlns:int=”http://www.springframework.org/schema/integration”   xmlns:file=”http://www.springframework.org/schema/integration/file”   xmlns:p=”http://www.springframework.org/schema/p”   xmlns:context=”http://www.springframework.org/schema/context”   xsi:schemaLocation=”http://www.springframework.org/schema/integration http://www.springframework.org/schema/integration/spring-integration.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/integration/file http://www.springframework.org/schema/integration/file/spring-integration-file.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context   http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd“>  <bean id=”rackRoomBaseDirectory” class=”java.lang.String”>   <constructor-arg      value=”#{baseDirectory}/${tenantId}/rackroom” />  </bean>  <file:inbound-channel-adapter   id=”rackRoomEmployeeBatchFiles” directory=”rackRoomBaseDirectory”   filename-regex=”^(.*)-(\d+)\.csv” comparator=”fileOrderComparator” >   <int:poller fixed-rate=”1000″ />  </file:inbound-channel-adapter>     <file:outbound-gateway   request-channel=”rackRoomEmployeeBatchFiles”   reply-channel=”rackRoomEmployeeBatchFilesProc”   directory=”#{rackRoomBaseDirectory}/processing”   delete-source-files=”true” />  <int:service-activator   input-channel=”rackRoomEmployeeBatchFilesProc”   output-channel=”batchFilesHeaderInit” ref=”rackRoomHeaderSetupTask”   method=”execute” />  <bean… Read more »

2 years ago

Hello, I already have my hotfolders working “properly”, but I noticed some weird behaviour,  I was wondering if you can help me to understand why.. This is my configuration (highLevel) myextensioncore-spring.xml 1)… hot-folder-productsA.xml 2)… hot-folder-productsB.xml hot-folder-productsA.xml: folder to scan(PATH): /opt/somepath/01_products filename-regex=”^(\d{3})_PRODUCT_INFO.csv” hot-folder-productsB.xml folder to scan(PATH): /opt/somepath/02_products filename-regex=”^(\d{3})_PRODUCT_INFO.csv” – If i send a file (01_PRODUCT_INFO.CSV) to the folder: 01_products, the product will be processed by the mappers-converters of productsA.xml – If i send a file (02_PRODUCT_INFO.CSV) to the folder: 02_products, the product will be processed by the mappers-converters of productsA.xml This is not the “proper behaviour” due this should be processed… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel
2 years ago

Hi ,

Can we use other file formats other than CSV

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x